How is it that a business can neglect the shoveling of their sidewalk when it is clear that we have received more than a couple inches of snow? Is it not your responsibility to maintain the condition of the sidewalk so that pedestrians have a safe environment to move along? Two weeks ago we received five inches of snow on Friday night. On Monday I plotted out my run so that I would be able to use the sidewalks of business that certainly had ample time to clear their walks. As I turned south on a very busy road I discovered that my assumption was false. The walks for over a half a mile were covered with a combination of deep and packed snow. What is more dangerous, running on the street or trudging on uneven snow that may cause you to break an ankle? I thought the snow was the more dangerous option so I took to the road. Running on the road is nothing new to me, it is just that I do not make a habit of running on extremely busy streets with 45 mph speed limits.
About half of the vehicles that I encounter on the road make a concerted effort to move over so that they do not run the risk of hitting me, but that still leaves a large number of people who act as if they do not see me along the side of the road running straight at them with my LED headlamp shinning through their windshield. To those of you who move over, THANK YOU! For those of you who do not, I often would like to greet you with the third finger on my right hand. To all of you who are too lazy to get out and shovel your walks, either get off of your Lazy-Boys or get out the checkbook and pay some twelve year old kid to clear it for you. You are not only making it difficult for those who are walking/running, but you put their lives at risk.
The next time that you see a runner, or walker, headed towards you and your vehicle, MOVE OVER! Also, please don't stop your vehicles on the cross walk. There are more things that you need to be aware of than if you are clear to go right on red. Just some thoughts.
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