As I sit here with CNN in the background and Wolf Blitzer's voice ringing in my ear, I have to wonder what Christ would have to say to us. For too long I have been repulsed by the "Christian Republican" classification that condemns those who align themselves with the democratic party. The amalgamation of theology and politics is a travesty to both arenas. Whoever is elected tonight should not effect one's civic actions or religious beliefs. The church must always be the church, devoid of what is happening in the political arena. It is true that we as the church are to be championing legislation that will help those who are unable to help themselves. Christ's ministry was to those who were hurting, in need, and unable to help themselves (widows and children). Will people start to serve now that their party is in office? Will people stop serving because their party is no longer in power? How does democracy affect the message of Christ? In my opinion, the gospel is the same message today as it was when Christ entered our world through the incarnation. We must seek to further the kingdom of God without being influenced by our political convictions. Shame on us if we are more concerned about political platforms than the mission of Christ. The harsh reality is that the people who were starving and homeless last night are the same who will be in need tomorrow night. Set aside your preconceived notions of what is going to happen now that we are beyond Nov. 4th and there is a new man in the White House and focus on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Will the elections affect our country, most likely. Will Christ work in your life affect how you care for the world, I pray it does.
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